Flavor Trends, Strategies and Solutions for Menu Development

A Butterfly Pea Cocktail With Science Flair

Michael’s on Naples | Long Beach, Calif.

A Butterfly Pea Cocktail With Science Flair

Michael’s on Naples | Long Beach, Calif.

By Patricia Fitzgerald
July 18, 2024

By Patricia Fitzgerald
July 18, 2024

Jocelyn Jolley

Crafting a cocktail that wakes up the tongue and is stunning to the eye requires an alchemy of art and science. Jocelyn Jolley, bar manager at Italian restaurant Michael’s on Naples, leverages the magic of butterfly pea tea in the Cristallino, a drink that she characterizes as a spicy basil margarita, but one that is transformed by, of all things, the ice cube.

“We steep blue butterfly pea tea, which is a pH-sensitive tea, and then freeze it into a cube,” says Jolley. Tequila is shaken with chile liqueur, lime juice and agave, along with fresh basil. “The cocktail is poured tableside, and when the acidity of the lime juice touches the tea ice cube, it changes color from blue to purple.” Not only are guests captivated by the color show, but the aromatic tea lends bitter notes that blend well with the spicy, herbaceous and slightly sweet flavors of the other ingredients. “It’s a balanced margarita with a hint of earthiness,” says Jolley.

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About the Author

mmPatricia Fitzgerald serves different roles on the Flavor & The Menu team, including writing custom content, Kitchen Collaborative chef spotlights and digital editorial content, as well as acting as a contributing editor for the print magazine. As owner of PFitzCommunications, she specializes in various areas of foodservice and hospitality, while also maintaining clients in other industries and professions. She can be reached at [email protected].

About The Author

Patricia Fitzgerald

Patricia Fitzgerald serves different roles on the Flavor & The Menu team, including writing custom content, Kitchen Collaborative chef spotlights and digital editorial content, as well as acting as a contributing editor for the print magazine. As owner of PFitzCommunications, she specializes in various areas of foodservice and hospitality, while also maintaining clients in other industries and professions. She can be reached at [email protected].