Flavor Trends, Strategies and Solutions for Menu Development

Grand Marnier-Glazed Lamb Chop

Supper Club | Nashville, Tenn.

Grand Marnier-Glazed Lamb Chop

Supper Club | Nashville, Tenn.

By Patricia Fitzgerald
July 19, 2024

By Patricia Fitzgerald
July 19, 2024

Brandon Truesdale

“The Lamborghini.” That’s what the kitchen team at Supper Club has dubbed its Grand Marnier Lamb Chop, a nickname that speaks volumes about the promised flavor experience, summoning visions of extravagance and elegance in a singular package. It won’t disappoint, assures Brandon Truesdale, culinary director. “It’s a lamb lollipop glazed with our signature Grand Marnier sauce, an irresistible mix of the liqueur, soy sauce and bourbon-infused orange marmalade, completed with a house spice blend,” he says. “It’s a taste bud-stimulating experience.”

Success rides on the rich flavors of both meat and glaze. “For this entrée, we let the lamb speak for itself, highlighting the flavor and quality of the meat with the orange-liqueur glaze, resulting in a flavor pairing that complements each other well,” says Truesdale. “A lot of flavors and seasonings can overpower lamb, but with this glaze, I can make sure the lamb chop is the star on the plate.” The dish has been one of the most popular orders since Supper Club opened in 2023 and is expected to keep driving forward with guests.

Read more Best of Flavor 2024

About the Author

mmPatricia Fitzgerald serves different roles on the Flavor & The Menu team, including writing custom content, Kitchen Collaborative chef spotlights and digital editorial content, as well as acting as a contributing editor for the print magazine. As owner of PFitzCommunications, she specializes in various areas of foodservice and hospitality, while also maintaining clients in other industries and professions. She can be reached at [email protected].

About The Author

Patricia Fitzgerald

Patricia Fitzgerald serves different roles on the Flavor & The Menu team, including writing custom content, Kitchen Collaborative chef spotlights and digital editorial content, as well as acting as a contributing editor for the print magazine. As owner of PFitzCommunications, she specializes in various areas of foodservice and hospitality, while also maintaining clients in other industries and professions. She can be reached at [email protected].