Flavor Trends, Strategies and Solutions for Menu Development


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Mozzarella, cream cheese, Parmesan and heavy cream—all sourced from California—are blended together in this Southern-inspired starter. Belfiore mozzarella brings in a “nostalgic cheese pull you look for in a gooey, warm cheese dip,” Jess Bograd explains. “The collards are there to be the co-star next to the cheese. Collards are a bitter green and are easily dismissed, but here they bring an unexpected texture and flavor that feels familiar but is still unique.” Red peppers, jalapeños and hot sauce provide balancing influences.

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This recipe feature is part of the Kitchen Collaborative recipe-development initiative formed by Summit F&B and Flavor & The Menu with support from a handful of sponsor brands and commodity boards. Sign up for our e-newsletter to receive Kitchen Collaborative content in your inbox.

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