Flavor Trends, Strategies and Solutions for Menu Development

Textures Trend Insights Insights into the trend of interesting textures, from our panel of experts


“It is incredibly important—and fun—for the chef to figure out. What can I batter and fry? What can I dehydrate, and can I puff or pop that? It allows chefs to drive home the dish—without skipping flavor, of course.”

“Food, now more than ever, is a sensorial experience that goes beyond the taste bud. We want to consume food with our whole being: for the flavor, the texture, the comfort and for the photo opp or ability to share our experience socially. Crunch, pop and pow-—let the mouth play with ingredients, explore elements of food with the tongue, teeth, palate, and even experience afterburn. This prolongs the experience of eating and fully engages the diner.”

“Texture has always been a crucial building block of flavor development. Today, texture is being showcased and called out much like umami and sour have been. It doesn’t have to be complicated—just think of how the simplicity of toasted, seasoned panko bread crumbs accentuate a creamy baked mac and cheese. ”

“Texture will continue to gain traction in beverages as well, whether from the creaminess that avocado brings to a margarita or the crunch that comes from adding nuts to a rim or to the drink itself.”

  From the Jan/Feb 2018 Top 10 Trends issue of Flavor & the Menu magazine. Read the full issue online or check if you qualify for a free print subscription.

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